Shiny Apps & Calculators

A Shiny application is a directory containing a interface and set of scripts to provide a series of functions. In other words a Shiny app is a web application which takes the underlying code (i.e. under the hood), and transforms this into a much more user-friendly interface. This helps to make quite complicated analyses and functions accessible. The caveat is that this reduces functionality and flexibility, therefore there may be limits in the degree to which you can get what you need to from the shiny apps.

Shiny apps


The SingleCaseES shiny app has been designed and built by James E. Pustejovsky & Daniel M. Swan. The app is hosted on This application can provide a wide variety of non-overlap statistics for bi-phasic designs (A/B). It is also possible to plot A/B designs.

The main limitation of this app is that it does not seem possible to plot designs that include more than two phases.

Those using this app for assignments or research purposes are encouraged to use the citation provided by the office.

Pustejovsky, J. E. & Swan, D. M. (2018). Single-case effect size calculator (Version 0.5.1) Web application.


The Manalov shiny app has been designed and built by Rumen Manalov. The app is hosted on This application can provide a wide variety of non-overlap statistics for bi-phasic designs (A/B). It is also possible to plot A/B designs And to supplement plots with various supplementary striations (e.g. trend lines).

Similar to the SingleCaseES shiny app this application also is not able to plot graphs with more than two phases.


The single case data analysis shiny app has been designed and built by De, Michiels, Vlaeyen & Onghena. This application can plot single case designs with more than two phases and has a variety of supplementary graph aids. There is less functionality within this app for non-overlap statistical analysis.

Those using this app for assignments or research purposes are encouraged to use the citation provided by the office. De , T.K., Michiels, B., Vlaeyen, J.W.S., & Onghena, P. (2020). Shiny SCDA [Computer software]. Retrieved from

Web calculators

Baseline correct Tau calculator

This is a web calculator for calculating baseline corrected Tau.

Tarlow, K. R. (2016). Baseline Corrected Tau Calculator.

Reliable and clinical change calculator

This is a web calculator for calculating cut-offs for determining viable and clinically significant change.

Morley, S. & Dowzer, C.N. (2014) Manual for the Leeds Reliable Change Indicator: Simple Excel(tm) applications for the analysis of individual patient and group data. University of Leeds, Leeds, UK. Accessed from: